Dr. Fahad Iqbal
Head of the Department
Ph.D. (JMI), M.Tech (JMI), B.Tech (IU)
Area of interest: Power Systems, Renewable Energy Resources, Microgrids, Deregulated Power System, Congestion Management, FACTS Devices
Email: fahadiqbal@mmantc.edu.in | electrical_hod@mmantc.edu.in
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Mr. Shah Faisal
Ph.D. (Pursuing), M.Tech (Eletrical Power System), B.Tech (Electrical)
Area of interest: Electric Vehicle, Smart Grid, Electrical Maintenance.
Email: shahfaisal@mmantc.edu.in
Mr. Momin Shahbaz
Ph.D. (Pursuing), M.E, B.E. (Electrical), Diploma (Electrial)
Area of interest: Electrical Vehicle, Industrial Automation, Power Quality
Email: momin@mmantc.edu.in
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Mr. Abdul Nadeem
M.Tech ( AMU), B.Tech
Area of interest: Multilevel inverter, Switching control of Power converters, and control of power electronics converters
Email: nadeem@mmantc.edu.in
Mr. Mohd Mohsin Sohail
M.Tech. (AMU ), B.Tech.(AMU)
Area of interest: Control System, Power Electronics, Microgrid, Solar Photovoltaic systems, Multilevel inverter
Email: mohsinsohail@mmantc.edu.in
Mr. Abu Shahma Wasti
MSc (BME, Budapest, Hungary), B.E (AMU), Diploma in Electrical (AMU)
Area of interest: Power Systems operation and control, Renewable Energy Resources, Microgrids, SMART Distribution Systems, Smart City, DLR, FACTS Devices
Email: wastiabu@gamil.com
Mr. Avinash Anil Ahire
Technical Assistant
Mr. Kailas Tukaram Mhasade