E&TC Events

MMANTC Industrial Visit to Copper Track Industries Nashik

#work #engineering #manufacturing #quality #electronics #solar

MMANTC Industrial Visit to Copper Track Industries Nashik

Company Name and Address: Copper Track Industries, M-76, MIDC Area, MIDC Ambad, Nashik, Maharashtra 422010

Type of Company: Private Limited

Class: SE, TE and BE ENTC Engineering

Subject: Electronics

No. of Beneficiary: 12

Work Domain of Company: 

To provide good quality PCB boards for making the electronic circuits.

Manufacturer and Dealer of printed circuit boards, boards, etc.

Number of Departments:

  1. PCB Etching and Printing
  2. CNC designing
  3. Solar panel and LED panel manufacturing
  4. Electronics device manufacturer

Supervisors: Dr. Shameem, Fahad Bilal, Faheem Ansari

Organized by: Department of ENTC Engineering, MMANTC, Mansoora Malegaon

Date of Visit: 29th March 2022 – Thursday – Forenoon