Geotechnical Lab:

Geotechnical engineering uses principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to investigate subsurface conditions and materials; determine to evaluate the stability of natural slopes and man-made soil deposits; assess risks posed by site conditions; design earthworks and structure foundations; and monitor site conditions, earthwork, and foundation construction.

  • The lab consists of the instrument such as CBR Apparatus, Direct Shear test, Unconfined compression test, Swell Test Permeability, Sample Extractor, G.I Test Sieves, Liquid / Plastic limit Apparatus.
  • Total Lab Cost: 3,34,052/-
Geotechnical Engineering Lab mmantc civil engineering

Transportation Engineering Lab:

The Transportation Engineering lab has equipment required to conduct all standardized tests to assess quality of highway materials, pavement evaluation and traffic engineering studies. Experiments are conducted in pre and post construction phases of highways. The lab does quality assurance and quality control tests for the Roads. Traffic engineering surveys are also conducted in the lab and students learn to conduct spot speed studies, volume counts, and conflict studies for preparing road improvement plans to enhance road safety. The lab is used for collaborative research in traffic engineering and transport planning.

  • The lab is well equipped with Marshal Stability Test Apparatus, Ductility Test Apparatus, Bitumen Penetrometer & Bitumen Extractor, Tar Viscometer along with Flash and Fire Point Test Apparatus and Ring and Ball test apparatus.
  • Total Lab Cost: 1,68,375/-.
Transportation Engineering Lab mmantc civil engineering

Surveying Lab:

The Surveying laboratory aids in the development of knowledge about Survey field techniques to civil engineering students. Laboratory comprises of instruments for measurement Heights and Distances of the features present on the surface of the Earth. Laboratory aim and orient the students to practice land surveying techniques, using a wide spectrum of surveying equipment’s ranging from Chain, Compass, Dumpy levels, Transit Theodolites to latest Auto levels and Electronic Total stations.

  • Some of the important instrument in this lab are Total Station, Dumpy Level with Tripod stand, Ultrasonic Distance Meter, Global Positioning System, Horizontal / Vertical Theodolite with Tripod, Metric & Arrow Chain with wooden peg, Levelling Staff and Ranging rod etc.
  • Total Lab Cost: 3,03,335/-.

Environmental Engineering Lab:

The Environmental Engineering laboratory practical provides good insight into different experimental methods relevant to Environmental Engineering.  In this lab we performs various test on drinker water and sewage samples to check pH value, total dissolved solids, BOD and COD, total suspended particles etc. as per BIS standard. It helps in to assess the water quality standard of the region, pollution load in sewage and working efficiency of sewage and other water treatment unit. Experiment on ambient air pollution parameter such as SOx, NOx and SPM, and noise pollution measurement are also performed in this lab.

  • Laboratory equipment includes BOD Incubator, Turbidity Meter (Digital) and Digital PH Meter, Flame Photometer, Water Distillation Apparatus, COD Reflux Meter, Electronic Digital Balance and many more.
  • Total Lab Cost: 3,65,049/-.
Environmental Engineering Lab mmantc civil engineering

Material Lab:

The objective of the lab is to perform experiments which are related to Mechanics of Solid subject in order to understand the practicals related to theories of the subject. The experiment of Mechanics of solid provides a broader practical approaches with high equipped lab instruments and set-up. The practical includes understanding of the properties of solid materials like tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness and impact value of different materials. This properties are understood by the equipment like hardness apparatus, Universal testing machine, izod impact apparatus. Besides these, various experiment is conducted to explore other material behaviors like spring law, bending equations, understanding of various supports and their reaction on column.

  • The lab is well equipped with Universal Testing Machine, Tile Flexure Strength Testing Machine, Digital Torsion Testing Machine, Compression Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine and Electronic Extensometer etc.
  • Total Lab Cost: 10,29,379/-.
Material lab mmantc civil engineering

Concrete Technology Lab:

Concrete Technology Laboratory provides facilities to conduct all quality control tests on cement, aggregates and concrete (Fresh and hardened). Students learn the standard procedure to test the quality of building materials in line with the corresponding IS codes. The lab has equipment for conducting non-destructive tests on concrete to verify quality in the post-construction phase. In addition to meeting the curriculum and consultancy requirements, the equipment in the laboratory are extensively utilized for projects by students of UG, PG and also by faculty for their research work.

  • The laboratory is equipped with, Workability measuring equipment, a Concrete Mixer, a vibrating / shake table, a Marsh Cone, a Mortar Mixer and Curing Tank etc. Other sophisticated equipment to perform Non-destructive tests like Rebound hammer are also available and used extensively in various activities. The concrete laboratory is equipped with all the equipment required for manufacturing and testing of specimens.
concrete lab mmantc civil engineering

Engineering Geology Lab:

Engineering Geology deals with the application of geologic sciences to engineering practice for the purpose of assuring that the geologic factors affecting the location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of civil engineering structures. Engineering geologists investigate and provide recommendations on the character of the geology of the area for engineering analysis and design. The geology laboratory comprise of samples of minerals, stones and models of folds/faults etc.

  • Engineering Geology Laboratory deals with Engineering Geology subject for second year Civil Engineering students. It has variety of minerals, ores and rock specimen for students to study different types of rocks and minerals and their various identification properties
  • Total Lab Cost: 33,000/-.

Engineering Mechanics Lab:

Engineering mechanics is the application of mechanics to solve problems involving common engineering elements. The goal of this Engineering Mechanics course is to expose students to problems in mechanics as applied to plausibly real-world scenarios. Problems of particular types are explored in detail in the hopes that students will gain an inductive understanding of the underlying principles at work; students should then be able to recognize problems of this sort in real-world situations and respond accordingly.

  • This lab consist of instruments such as Simply  supported  beam, Funicular  polygon, Belt  friction, Sliding  friction,  Fly  wheel, Worm & Worm  wheel, Screw  jack, Winch  crab – single purchase, Pulley  block, Rolling wheel.
  • Total Lab Cost: 48,330/-.
Theory Of Machine Lab mmantc civil engineering

Fluid Mechanics Lab:

The purpose of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines laboratory is to reinforce and enhance understanding of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines. The experiments here are designed to demonstrate the applications of the basic fluid mechanics principles and to provide a more intuitive and physical understanding of the theory.

  • Lab consist of some of the very important apparatus in the field of fluid mechanics as Red Wood Viscometer, Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus, Pressure Measurement Devices, Reynolds Apparatus, Pelton wheel turbine, Open channel flow etc.
  • Total Lab Cost: 3,49,400/-.
Fluid Meachanics lab mmantc civil engineering

CAD Lab:

The computer aided design lab is equipped with high performance desktop computers various software related to Structural analysis & design. It also include learning of planning & drawing using Auto-Cad software are being taught with deep detail to students.

  • Total Lab Cost: 4,05,714/-.

Drawing Hall:

Drawing is the communication of the civil engineer. A well-equipped drawing hall is available for the students. In this lab students are trained to draw various structures related to Architecture, Drawing and Planning.

Drawing Hall mmantc civil engineering