Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus
Department of Applied Sciences
Poster Presentation & Quiz Competition (Offline & Online) On
“National Science Day Celebrations” 28th Feb 2022
Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus is conducting a Poster presentation & Quiz competition on the occasion of National Science Day, 28th Feb 2022. National Science Day is celebrated to mark the discovery of the Raman Effect by Indian physicist Sir C. V. Raman on 28 February 1928. This competition will be held in Offline and Online mode.
- Promote active involvement of students and teachers in science-related activities.
- Encourage scientific thinking and promote a better understanding of concepts of pure science among students and teachers of senior colleges.
Events of the Day:
- Inauguration
- Invited Talk
- National Science Day Poster Competition
- National Science Day Quiz Competition
- Valedictory Function and Prize Distribution
Poster Presentation Topics:
- Recent trends in Science & Engineering
- Miracles/Magic of Science
- Artificial Intelligence /Machine Learning
- Computer Science / Engineering
- Data Science
- Nuclear Science
- Mechanical / Mechatronics Engineering
- Electrical / Electronic Engineering
- Information Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Genetic Engineering
- Biotechnology
Guidelines for the Poster Competition:
- Who can participate:
Students from Class X to undergraduate (B.E. / B.Tech / B.Sc / B.Com / B.A / all years), Diploma / ITI (All branches).
About the Poster:
- a) Language must be English for making a poster.
- b) Poster/drawing/art/sketch should be prepared on any theme given above.
- c) One line caption to the poster is mandatory.
- c) Hard copy of the certificates for winners and participants will be provided.
- d) One participant will present only one poster.
For Online / Virtual Participation
- a) PowerPoint slide will be the poster of the participants.
- b) Poster presentation will be on the Google Meet app. Meeting ID will be provided to the presenters of the poster.
- c) E-certificates for winners and participants will be provided.
III. Judging:
- a) Judging of entries will be done by a panel of experts. The judge’s decision will be final.
- b) The posters will be judged on the basis of the following parameters: creativity, the flow of thoughts, connectivity between the flow of thoughts, and drawing.
Awards and Certifications: A cash prize will be awarded to all the winners.
- ₹ 1500/- I Prize (offline mode) & ₹ 1000/- (online mode)
- ₹ 1000/- II Prize (offline mode) & ₹ 750/- (online mode)
- ₹ 500/- III Prize (offline mode & ₹ 500/- (online mode)
V: Guidelines for Poster Making:
Poster Size: Maximum 2 X 2 feet / Standard Chart Paper
Print Material: Flex / Craft Paper
Guidelines for the Quiz Competition:
- General knowledge / Science/ technology based 30 questions will be asked.
- The quiz will start at 11.0 AM and end at 11.30 AM and will be in online mode only.
- There will be no negative marking.
- Every participant who got 50% marks in quiz will receive an E-certificate for the participation.
- Appreciation certificates will be awarded to 5 top scorers.
VI: Registration Fee: ₹ 50/- Per Participant
VII: Deadline: 25th February 2022
VIII: Registration Link: https://qr.page/g/3eZ8KLE5I0L
- Offline mode of participation is for those who live in Malegaon city and nearby areas. They have to come to the campus for presenting their posters.
- Online mode of participation is for those students who don’t live in Malegaon city and nearby area. They have to present their posters digitally via online platform like Google meet and Zoom.
- The link for presentation will be given to all the registered participants before the program.
Chief Guest:
Dr. Mohammad Atiqur Rehman, Scientist E, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TFIR), Mumbai
Chief Patron:
Hon. Mr. Arshad Mukhtar, Chairman, JMES
Hon. Mr. Rashid Mukhtar, Secretary, JMES
Dr. Raghib Nadeem, Head, Department of Applied Sciences
Dr. Mohammad Mushaf, Mr. S. N. Ansari, Mr. Faheem, Mr. Fahad Bilal, Ms. Shagufta Parveen, Ms. Nusrat Ansari, Mrs. Poonam Bachhav.
Contact Details:
spectra2022@mmantc.edu.in 9028254513 | 9028254518
Address: Mansoora Campus, Malegaon (Nashik) 423203
Maharashtra State, India